
Received this from a good friend of mine today who received it from  
his CPA.  He has put some real numbers into a comparison.  I will let  
you review and decide.  As he points out he uses the tax rates of the  
last year of the Clinton administration as a projection for 2009  
(Bush cuts no longer in place.  He describes the comparison very  
well, iMHO>>>>>

Take care,


PS - I'm just the messenger  ::>)  But, I do agree this results are  
rather staggering!
> August 20, 2008
> The Democratic convention is next week.  The Republican convention  
> is the following week.  Don't forget to wear your wading boots  
> these next two weeks as I am sure it will get very deep.
> Taxes & Politics
> There are all sorts of belief systems in place for both parties.   
> One primary political position of the Democrats is they want to  
> repeal the Bush tax cuts.  Their position is these tax cuts have  
> been described as only benefiting the rich.
> So what are we really talking about?  Repeal of the tax cuts  
> experienced in the last few years would bring the income tax system  
> back into the tax regime during the Clinton Presidency.
> So that raised the question of a comparison of tax liabilities.   
> Would the lower income people benefit by reverting back to the  
> "good old days?"  Would it slam all those "evil rich" people into  
> paying more to the federal government?  What about the large middle  
> class?   Would they be winners or losers in this deal?
> The Comparison
> So here is what I did.  I created four income levels.  The lowest  
> was $30,000 of wages, the second at $75,000, level 3 at $200,000  
> and the highest at $500,000.  I added some interest and deductions  
> that fall within their respective income levels.  High income  
> people tend to have more interest, dividends and capital gains than  
> lower income folks.
> The next part of this comparative puzzle is filing status.  I ran  
> three - Single, Head of Household and Married Filing Jointly.
> The third step was to prepare a tax return using the 2008 tax laws  
> with the tax cuts still in place.  Our comparison assumes the tax  
> cuts are repealed and the old law becomes effective once again.  I  
> used the Year 2000 tax software which was the last year of the  
> Clinton tax law to calculate the estimated 2009 tax bill.  This is  
> not a perfect result but it would be close.
> The Results
> Let's look at the results for a $500,000 taxpayer.  They fall into  
> that "evil rich" category and so they should be getting whacked the  
> most.
> Single                                     $500,000
> 2008 Tax Liability                       $141,099
> 2009 Tax Liability (est)               $172,130
> Change                                      $31,031
> Percentage Increase                     21.99%
> Head of Household                   $500,000
> 2008 Tax Liability                       $137,095
> 2009 Tax Liability (est)                $169,433
> Change                                       $32,338
> Percentage Increase                      23.59%
> Married - Joint                         $500,000
> 2008 Tax Liability                       $133,000
> 2009 Tax Liability (est)                $167,127
> Change                                      $34,127
> Percentage Increase                     25.66%
> As you can see from the above figures, someone in the $500,000  
> range could plan on kicking in an extra $31,000 or more per year to  
> the tax man.  Increases range from 20-25%.  One reason for this is  
> the jump in the top marginal tax rate from 35% to at least 39.6%.   
> How would you feel right now with $31,000 less in your pocket  
> thanks to your friends in the US Congress?
> Single                                      $200,000
> 2008 Tax Liability                          $45,788
> 2009 Tax Liability (est)                  $54,790
> Change                                         $9,002
> Percentage Increase                        19.66%
> Head of Household                     $200,000
> 2008 Tax Liability                           $45,788
> 2009 Tax Liability (est)                   $51,327
> Change                                         $5,539
> Percentage Increase                         12.10%
> Married- Joint                            $200,000
> 2008 Tax Liability                           $40,425
> 2009 Tax Liability (est)                   $47,046
> Change                                         $6,621
> Percentage Increase                         16.38%
> Of course, those folks in the $200,000 range should probably kick  
> in a lot more as they are obviously too rich for their own good but  
> certainly not as evil as those $500k guys.  BUT WAIT A MINUTE!   
> Both the percentage increases and the true dollar increases are not  
> that high.  Why is this?  One factor is the highest tax rates do  
> not affect these guys.  A head of household taxpayer pays just  
> 1/6th of the increase that the $500k taxpayer does.
> Single                                        $75,000
> 2008 Tax Liability                          $11,019
> 2009 Tax Liability (est)                  $13,531
> Change                                         $2,512
> Percentage Increase                         22.80%
> Head of Household                      $75,000
> 2008 Tax Liability                            $8,113
> 2009 Tax Liability (est)                   $11,340
> Change                                         $3,227
> Percentage Increase                         39.78%
> Married- Joint                               $75,000
> 2008 Tax Liability                            $4,023
> 2009 Tax Liability (est)                     $7,891
> Change                                          $3,868
> Percentage Increase                          96.15%
> For the $75,000 income level, what stands out is not the amount of  
> additional taxes but the percentage increases.  It literally  
> doubles the income tax for married people.  So much for encouraging  
> family values!  Another factor to remember is that an extra 3 or 4  
> thousand out of pocket is a big hit for them.
> Single                                          $30,000
> 2008 Tax Liability                             $2,764
> 2009 Tax Liability (est)                      $3,431
> Change                                             $667
> Percentage Increase                          24.13%
> Head of Household                       $30,000
> 2008 Tax Liability                                $685
> 2009 Tax Liability (est)                     $2,204
> Change                                          $1,519
> Percentage Increase                        221.75%
> Married- Joint                               $30,000
> 2008 Tax Liability                             $(1,485)
> 2009 Tax Liability (est)                         $729
> Change                                           $2,214
> Percentage Increase                           N/M%
> For those in the lower brackets, the percentage increase in income  
> taxes is staggering.   MFJ status moves from a refund to owing a  
> chunk.  The increase in tax is equivalent to almost one full  
> month's earnings.  Stop and think about how you would do if you had  
> to get along with a full month's of wages given to the tax man.
> It is all relative.  You will hear the politicians of both parties  
> "spinning" tax and economic issues until everyone is dizzy.  Focus  
> on the hard numbers and look at how they will or will not affect you.
> One of the points of this analysis was to show you real numbers  
> versus political spin and fixed beliefs.  Between the politicians  
> and the media, there is little truth out there.
> I personally think that tax rates will increase no matter who wins  
> the November elections. What should you do?   Start looking now at  
> things like year end tax planning, tax savings investments and  
> getting by on less.  It won't be fun, but you will do better if you  
> are prepared for bad things and they don't occur than the opposite.

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