On Thu, 2 Oct 2008 23:27:17 -0500, "OK Don" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> There is the minor discrepancy where he's decrying the lack of free
> market principles, when it's those uncontrolled free markets that got
> us into this mess. Just letting those good ole boys on Wall Street and
> in those banking houses do what ever they wanted to let the greed run
> rampant, which let the brokers sell mortgages to anyone who could make
> an X on a piece of paper, sometimes by lying to them, others by
> appealing to the customers greed.
> You can't have both uncontrolled greed and a stable economy. It's
> never worked before, why do the neocons think it will now? Greed.

Actually it was government policy that caused the giving of mortgages to
a lot of people who previously would never have had a prayer of
qualifying for one.  The banks would not have taken risks like that on
their own without Freddie/Fannie being willing to buy those mortgages. 
Absent that, we would not have had a such a bubble in real-estate, which
then burst as all bubbles eventually do, which then caused all those
leveraged positions in derivative mortgage-backed securities to bankrupt
those greedy financial firms.

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