Scott R. wrote: "Why is Sarah less qualified than other governor candidates, 
say Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter?  Categorically, I would think someone with 
executive experience would be more qualified to be president than someone who 
only has experience as a member of a committee."

Good question Scott.

Here is a letter to the editor of our local that was published a few weeks ago 
that asks some of the same questions. (I think the author this letter must be a 

Dear Editor,

I am writing to you after having read the editorial by Davis Merrritt. His 
editorial is distorted, lacking in intellectual honesty, and ignorant of 
history.  Mr. Merritt criticizes Governor Sarah Palin because she lacks foreign 
policy experience. In fact, after hearing the Charlie Gibson interview, Mr. 
Merritt concluded that the choice of Governor Palin was "reckless and cynical." 
 I think, despite Mr. Merritt's former role as Editor of the Wichita Eagle, 
that he has failed to pay attention to last 50 years of presidential elections. 
 No sitting senator since Kennedy has been elected President.  Now, presumably 
Mr. Merritt believes that Senators gain foreign policy experience while serving 
on various committees and making campaign trips to foreign lands.  For the sake 
of argument, let's ignore the fact that Governor Palin is the candidate for 
Vice President and compare her credentials to previous candidates for 
President.  Let's begin with President Clinton.

Bill Clinton graduated from Law School in 1973 and returned to Arkansas as a 
College Professor. A year later, he ran for Congress and was defeated.  Then he 
ran for and won (without opposition) the position of Attorney General of the 
State of Arkansas.  Then two short years later, he ran for Governor. He won the 
office and was quickly defeated in his re-election effort. He took two years 
off and won re-election as Governor.  He served in that capacity for 10 years.  
He then spoke at the Democratic National Convention in 1988 and ran for 
President in 1992.  President Clinton had no foreign policy experience or 
expertise when he ran for President. In fact, he had served as Governor of a 
state that ranks at or near the bottom in every positive category and at or 
near the top of every negative category.

President Reagan was the Governor of California for 8 years and had no foreign 
policy experience. Yet, President Reagan was the architect of the end of the 
Cold War and arguably the liberator of Eastern Europe because of his policy of 
bankrupting the "evil empire" into extinction.  President Reagan had several 
summits with the various Soviet leaders and signed the most remarkable treaty 
in the history of modern warfare - the INF treaty.

President Carter was a farmer and former Commissioned officer in the Navy.  He 
was elected to the Georgia State Senate and ran for Governor and lost.  He was 
elected Governor of Georgia in 1970 after having served for four years in the 
legislature.  He served as Governor of Georgia and then was elected president 
(also without any foreign policy experience).  Regardless of any other 
criticisms of President Carter, he was moderately effective in negotiating 
treaties between Egypt and Isreal - known as the Camp David Accord.

Presidents Bush (41) and Nixon had well developed foreign policy resumes when 
they were elected President.  President Bush had served as Ambassador to China 
and of course, President Nixon had served as Vice-President under Eisenhower 
and had been heavily involved in the foreign policy of the 1950's.

President Truman was a Senator from Missouri for 10 years prior to becoming 
Vice-President.  President Roosevelt was the Governor of New York for 2 years.  
I do not want to belabor the point that very few of our presidents have had 
significant foreign policy experience.  But, it is worth noting that Governor 
Palin has as much foreign policy experience as Presidents Clinton, Carter, 
Reagan, and possibly as much as FDR.

If she has as much foreign policy experience as many former Presidents, how 
does she compare to Barack Obama.  When did Obama gain his foreign policy 
experience?  At Harvard Law School?  Or back in the south side of Chicago as a 
community organizer?  Or as a Illinois State legislator?  Perhaps it was during 
that trip overseas this year after he had served 6 months as a Senator before 
launching his campaign for President. I am going on vacation out of the country 
this week.  Perhaps, I will have as much foreign policy experience as Senator 

Donald H. Snook

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