You left out the biggest and most obvious Ponzi scheme of all: Social


Mitch Haley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A Credit Crisis or a Collapsing Ponzi Scheme?
> The Two Trillion Dollar Black Hole
> November 13, 2008 "Counterpunch" -- Purge your mind for a moment about
> everything you've heard and read in the last decade about investing on
> Wall Street and think about the following business model:
> You take your hard earned retirement savings to a Wall Street firm and
> they tell you that as long as you "stay invested for the long haul"
> you can expect double digit annual returns. You never really know what
> your money is invested in because it’s pooled with other investors and
> comes with incomprehensible but legal looking prospectuses. The heads
> of these Wall Street firms have been taking massive payouts for
> themselves, ranging from $160 million to $1 billion per CEO over a
> number of years. As long as new money keeps flooding in from
> newfangled accounts called 401(k)s, Roth IRAs, 529 plans for education
> savings, and hedge funds (each carrying ever greater restrictions for
> withdrawing your money and ever greater opacity) everything appears
> fine on the surface. And then, suddenly, you learn that many of these
> Wall Street firms don't have any assets that anybody wants to
> buy. Because these firms are both managing your money as well as
> having their own shares constitute a large percentage of your pooled
> investments, your funds begin to plummet as confidence drains from the
> scheme.
> Now consider how Wikipedia describes a Ponzi scheme:
> “A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that involves
> promising or paying abnormally high returns (‘profits’) to investors
> out of the money paid in by subsequent investors, rather than from net
> revenues generated by any real business. It is named after Charles
> Ponzi...One reason that the scheme initially works so well is that
> early investors – those who actually got paid the large returns –
> quite commonly reinvest (keep) their money in the scheme (it does,
> after all, pay out much better than any alternative investment). Thus
> those running the scheme do not actually have to pay out very much
> (net) – they simply have to send statements to investors that show how
> much the investors have earned by keeping the money in what looks like
> a great place to get a high return. They also try to minimize
> withdrawals by offering new plans to investors, often where money is
> frozen for a longer period of time...The catch is that at some point
> one of three things will happen:
> (1) the promoters will vanish, taking all the investment money (less
> payouts) with them;
> (2) the scheme will collapse of its own weight, as investment slows
> and the promoters start having problems paying out the promised
> returns (and when they start having problems, the word spreads and
> more people start asking for their money, similar to a bank run);
> (3) the scheme is exposed, because when legal authorities begin
> examining accounting records of the so-called enterprise they find
> that many of the 'assets' that should exist do not."
> Looking at outcomes 1, 2, and 3 above, here’s where we are today. The
> promoters have clearly not vanished as in outcome 1. In fact, they are
> behaving as if they know they have nothing to fear. As over $2
> trillion of taxpayer money is rapidly infused through Federal Reserve
> loans and over $125 Billion in U.S. Treasury equity purchases to keep
> these firms from collapsing, the promoters are standing at the elbow
> of the President-Elect in press conferences (Citigroup promoter,
> Robert Rubin); they are served up as business gurus on the business
> channel CNBC (former AIG CEO and promoter, Maurice “Hank” Greenberg);
> they are put in charge of nationalized zombie firms like Fannie Mae
> (Herbert Allison, former President of Merrill Lynch); they are paying
> $26 million and $42 million, respectively, for new digs at 15 Central
> Park West in Manhattan, where their chauffeurs have their own waiting
> room (Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs; Sanford “Sandy” Weill,
> former CEO of Citigroup, who put his penthouse in the name of his
> wife’s trust, perhaps smelling a few pesky questions ahead over the $1
> billion he sucked out of Citigroup before the Fed had to implant a
> feeding tube).
> We are definitely seeing all the signs of outcome 2: the scheme is
> collapsing under its own weight; there are panic runs around the globe
> wherever Wall Street has left its footprint.
> But outcome 3 is the most fascinating area of departure from the
> classic Ponzi scheme. Legal authorities have, indeed, examined the
> books of these firms, except for one area we’ll discuss later. They
> found worthless assets along with debts hidden off the balance sheet
> instead of real depositor funds. Instead of arresting the perpetrators
> and shutting down the schemes, Federal authorities have developed
> their own new schemes and pumped over $2 trillion of taxpayer money
> into propping up the firms while leaving the schemers in
> place. Equally astonishing, Congress has not held any meaningful
> investigations. This has left many Wall Street veterans wondering if
> the problem isn’t that the firms are “too big to fail” but rather “too
> Ponzi-like to prosecute.” Imagine the worldwide reaction to learning
> that all the claptrap coming from U.S. think-tanks and ivy-league
> academics over the last decade about efficient market theory and
> deregulation and trickle down was merely a ruse for a Ponzi scheme now
> being propped up by a U.S. Treasury Department bailout and loans from
> our central bank, the Federal Reserve.
> Fortunately for American taxpayers, Bloomberg News has some inquiring
> minds, even if our Congress and prosecutors don’t. On May 20, 2008,
> Bloomberg News reporter, Mark Pittman, filed a Freedom of Information
> Act request (FOIA) with the Federal Reserve asking for detailed
> information relevant to whom the central bank was giving these massive
> loans and precisely what securities these firms were posting as
> collateral. Bloomberg also wanted details on “contracts with outside
> entities that show the employees or entities being used to price the
> Relevant Securities and to conduct the process of lending.”
> Heretofore, our opaque central bank had been mum on all points.
> By law, the Federal Reserve had until June 18, 2008 to answer the FOIA
> request. Here’s what happened instead, according to the Bloomberg
> lawsuit: On June 19, 2008, the Fed invoked its right to extend the
> response time to July 3, 2008. On July 8, 2008, the Fed called
> Bloomberg News to say it was processing the request. The Fed rang up
> Bloomberg again on August 15, 2008, wherein Alison Thro, Senior
> Counsel and another employee, Pam Wilson, informed the business wire
> service that their request was going to be denied by the end of
> September 2008. No further response of any kind was received,
> including the denial. On November 7, 2008, Bloomberg News slapped a
> federal lawsuit on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve,
> asserting the following:
> “The government documents that Bloomberg seeks are central to
> understanding and assessing the government’s response to the most
> cataclysmic financial crisis in America since the Great
> Depression. The effect of that crisis on the American public has been
> and will continue to be devastating. Hundreds of corporations are
> announcing layoffs in response to the crisis, and the economy was the
> top issue for many Americans in the recent elections. In response to
> the crisis, the Fed has vastly expanded its lending programs to
> private financial institutions. To obtain access to this public money
> and to safeguard the taxpayers’ interests, borrowers are required to
> post collateral. Despite the manifest public interest in such matters,
> however, none of the programs themselves make reference to any public
> disclosure of the posted collateral or of the Fed’s methods in valuing
> it. Thus, while the taxpayers are the ultimate counterparty for the
> collateral, they have not been given any information regarding the
> kind of collateral received, how it was valued, or by whom.”
> As evidence that Bloomberg News is not engaging in hyperbole when it
> uses the word “cataclysmic” in a Federal court filing, consider the
> following price movements of some of these giant financial
> institutions. (All current prices are intraday on November 12, 2008):
> American International Group (AIG): Currently $2.16; in May 2007, $72.00
> Bear Stearns: Absorbed into JPMorganChase to avoid bankruptcy filing;
> share price in April 2007, $159
> Fannie Mae: Currently 65 cents; in June 2007 $69.00
> Freddie Mac: Currently 79 cents; in May 2007 $67.00
> Lehman Brothers: Currently 6 cents; in February 2007, $85.00
> What all of the companies in this article have in common is that they
> were writing secret contracts called Credit Default Swaps (CDS) on
> each other and/or between each other. These are not the credit default
> swaps recently disclosed by the Depository Trust and Clearing
> Corporation (DTCC). These are the contracts that still live in
> darkness and are at the root of why the Wall Street banks won’t lend
> to each other and why their share prices are melting faster than a
> snow cone in July.
> A Credit Default Swap can be used by a bank to hedge against default
> on loans it has made by buying a type of insurance from another
> party. The buyer pays a premium upfront and annually and the seller
> pays the face amount of the insurance in the event of default. In the
> last few years, however, the contracts have been increasingly used to
> speculate on defaults when the buyer of the CDS has no exposure to the
> firm or underlying debt instruments. The CDS contracts outstanding now
> total somewhere between $34 Trillion and $54 Trillion, depending on
> whose data you want to use, and it remains an unregulated market of
> darkness. It is also quite likely that none of the firms that agreed
> to pay the hundreds of billions in insurance, such as AIG, have the
> money to do so. It is also quite likely that were these hedges shown
> to be uncollectible hedges, massive amounts of new capital would be
> needed by the big Wall Street firms and some would be deemed
> insolvent.
> Until Congress holds serious investigations and hearings, the
> U.S. taxpayer may be funding little more than Ponzi schemes while
> companies that provide real products and services, legitimate jobs and
> contributions to the economy are left to fail.
> Pam Martens worked on Wall Street for 21 years; she has no security
> position, long or short, in any company mentioned in this article. She
> writes on public interest issues from New Hampshire. She can be
> reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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