I think Mr. Moore is pretty credible on healthcare.

I worked in the healthcare field for close to 20 years, ended up a
whistleblower on fraud and corruption.

Remember the insurance company "hitman" in Sicko who explained how
insurance companies bumped people off their policies to avoid paying
big-ticket claims?

That was me. And I stand by what I said.


Hendrik & Fay wrote:
> Moore used Canada, Great Britain, France and Cuba's health systems as
> examples of ones where the collective pays for the individual to get
> treated for medical problems.
> According to him all those countries peoples have a longer life
> expectancy than those in the US and lower infant mortality (although
> according to the WHO statistics Cuba is lower than the US).
> Of course you can't entirely blame the health system on this but it
> makes you wonder if a profit driven system is a good idea.
> From memory the US is ranked 37 on the list of good health care systems,
> whilst expenditure per capita is number 1.
> http://www.photius.com/rankings/healthranks.html
> Also spends the second most as a % of GDP
> http://www.photius.com/rankings/total_health_expenditure_as_pecent_of_gdp_2000_to_2005.html
> So this leads me to think that money is not the problem but how and on
> what it is spend in the system.
> Whilst Australia is ranked 29 in the % of GDP and 17 in per capita and
> the overall rank in 2000 was 32 but number 2 in life expectancy.
> I can understand Japan being number one in the life expectancy rank,
> probably due to diet and genetics but Australia is a mixed bag (as the
> US is) and our indigenous population has a shocking life expectancy rate.
> Hendrik
> who is not a statistician
> harry watkins wrote:
>> The medical system we have allows for constant improvements that lead
>> to longer life, I think statistics will attest to that.  Putting it
>> under government control will stifle the progress we expect.
>> It seems that the USA is the place to go for the best medical care in
>> the world and people from all over the world show up here when they
>> can afford the best.
>> Every time we open the gates, people come in, very few go out.
>> I've been around for a long time, I've lived in large and small cities
>> and towns.  I have never heard or seen of one of these terrible
>> situations where someone suffers because treatment was refused in
>> areas where I've been, have you?
>> Anyone on this list that knows of those things happening, I wish you
>> would share the stories with us.
>> Harry
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