David Brodbeck wrote:


"In the Midwest, rust isn't a sign of neglect, it's an inevitability of 

life.  Unless you take extreme measures to immediately grind out rust 

and and repaint as soon as bubbles start to appear, any car with a steel

body will eventually rust out due to the road salt used in the winter."


David, I am assuming you are talking about the upper Midwest.  I live in
Wichita, Kansas and lived most of the rest of my life in Springfield,
Missouri. I have never had any rust problems on any car I have owned.  I
agree in Chicago, you cannot keep most cars from rusting. I had an uncle
who had a little car dealership. He used to buy 5-6 cars at the auction
in Springfield and drive them to Chicago where he could sell them for
three times what he paid for them.  Dealers in Chicago were always
amazed to see a 10 year old Chevy Caprice with no rust on it. (My Uncle
liked the Caprice and bought all of them that he could find in the



Donald H. Snook

McDonald, Tinker, Skaer, Quinn & Herrington, P.A. 

300 West Douglas

P.O. Box 207

Wichita, Kansas 67201 0207

Tel. (316) 263-5851

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