Thanks Mac, I'll take that under advisement.
Unfortunately highways aren't all that fun to ride...

We won't be traveling until early September....


Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 09:44:27 -0500
From: Steve MacSween <>
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT: Driving Quebec?
To: Mercedes Discussion List <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Hi, you are probably thinking of me as the Quebec Guy.

I don't have any experience on the route you mention as I am in extreme west
Quebec, on the Ontario border, hence when I go Stateside I usually cut down
through one of the Ontario crossings into NY State.

Our highways are generally fine, but the further you off the main highway
the greater your chance of hitting some *challenging* stretches on a bike.
This winter was worse than usual for frost damage to roadways and roadbeds.
I can tell you right now that there are big heaves in many secondary roads
and/or deterioration of road surfaces, particularly toward the shoulders.
The cold patches they generally use in these places aren't a great help from
an MC rider's point of view. At least around here.

If you are an AAA member they may have some helpful info, I know that 'our'
CAA provides info on routes "due for paving", at least here in Canada.

Good luck with your trip,

Steve MacSween
Aylmer, Quebec (Canada)
Mercedes: '82 300sd / '82 240d (x2) / '60 220s


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