Being a good daddy is 99% of what it takes to turn children into good,
productive people. I've yet to see a child with a strong, caring father
figure regularly involved in their lives turn out badly yet.
   Gary Thompson (with 2 boys and 2 girls, done the prom thing twice so
1995 E320
1984 300D for sale

 On 10/6/05, Christopher McCann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here here. I know lots of fams with many children (and
> some with few children) and when they learn to obey,
> be polite and think and speak coherently as early as
> possible, they RARELY turn out to be problem
> children...if ever. Being a Catholic, I cannot leave
> out that they learn and practice their Faith early.
> That doesn't mean you don't worry about them at times
> and that they don't occasionally screw up, but that's
> raising children.
> I think Lt. Don is convinced I can't pay for my
> children, which is funny, b/c he has never seen my
> budget sheet or my tax return. Sure, a teenager might
> want a Mustang. I wanted a 560SEL when I was in 7th
> grade (or so - I'm 32)...did I get one? HELL NO!
> Connie is the oldest of 9 and they were dirt poor
> farmers...all the simblings are wonderful people, with
> good jobs and real/decent lives.
> Lt. Don must like getting me going on this, cuz he
> keeps bringing it up. I'm tired of answering. If my
> daughters are all drug addicts and whores in 20 years,
> then I'll go weep on his 72 year old shoulder...but
> till then, I'll just worry about being a good daddy.
> out. Chris

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