Donald Snook wrote:

I know there has been some negative discussion about the 350SDLs.  I
think several people have described them as rod-benders.  Is this as
widespread and catastrophic as it sounds.  I know that the head problem
on the 86-87 SDLs is less widespread than I thought.  I believe Marshall
recently had some figures that show it is not as bad as some would have
us believe. Many people have never had head problems.  Is this the same
story with the 350SDLs.  I am looking at a 91 350SDL. I really like the
fact that it is a later model and has a lot of updates.  Does anyone on
the list have a 350 SDL (126 chassis)?  What is your experience?  I
can't really afford to buy a car that will need a new engine in a short
time (especially at the cost that these engines are going for).   Is
there anything in particular to look for?

The ORIGINAL OM603.97 engine is flawed. Close to half (by MY count) of the engines have already failed and have had to be REPLACED. They could NOT be repaired! The replacement engines (actually completely rebored, sleeved, rebuilt engine with many new and some redesigned parts) are just fine and seem to be delivering the same kind longevity that Mercedes diesels are known for. All of the original engines are flawed - it seems to have been a design problem - not just some bad parts in some engines. The ones that haven't failed, simply have not yet been subjected to the conditions that cause failure (but when the conditions occur, I'm convinced that the original engines WILL fail). If you find a 126 or 140 3.5 liter diesel with a factory replacement engine, that solves the engine problem (it is NOT clear that aftermarket rebuilds solve the problem). All of the '90s "S" class cars suffered from AC evaporator failures and the W140s had biodegradable wiring harness problems. The late model 126 to some degree but especially the 140 chassis car - is a HIGH maintenance cost car!

Marshall Booth Ph.D.
Ass't Prof. (ret.)
Univ of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Department of Pharmacology  1300 BST
Pittsburgh PA 15261 USA

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