Well put Larry, to bad information like this falls on deaf ears. Ever see "man on the street" TV? Folks can't name the two major parties, but someone registered them to vote and they do.


----- Original Message ----- From: "LarryT" <l02tur...@comcast.net>
To: "Mercedes Discussion List" <mercedes@okiebenz.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT: Economics (was Sulfur good?)

If China ever decides to stop buying our debt - like most others already have - we'll be in the crapper. Does anyone like having China dictate loan terms to us? As the govt keeps spending more and more trillions, *someone* will *have* to buy our debt. Either that or crank up the printing presses and print more paper money. True, that will force inflation up - no more 5% home loans. And with the spending getting larger with every speech there's no end in sight.

It may seem like the govt has unlimited resources but in the end they're just like any of our families finances. Spend too much and you'll reach a point that bills will go unpaid (which is pretty unpopular) and people who loaned us money for cars and houses will come looking for money or the stuff their money bought. At this point obama has asked for a debt ceiling of $13 trillion (at last count). BTW, Bush increased the US Debt by $3.9 trill in 8 years (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_debt_by_U.S._presidential_terms).

Obama is expected to double Bush's debt. (http://blog.heritage.org/2009/03/24/bush-deficit-vs-obama-deficit-in-pictures/) Does anyone who thinks that's financially prudent? But I guess when someone is elected who has zero experience producing anything tangible, running a business, meeting a payroll, - even running a city or state - zero experience, that's to be expected. Something's wrong with this picture - and the US population is suffering because of that shortsightedness.

The problem I see is the govt taking more and more power over the population. If obamacare passes, the govt will have power over virtually every aspect of our lives. Like, "Say, that beer is pretty unhealthy - wouldn't be fair for you to practice poor habits and overload the national healthcare system. Got guns? Gee, they hurt people, they need to be controlled. Fat and calories in red meat? Start eating tofu. That car looks pretty unhealthy too - and is producing some kind of chemical we'll pay scientist to say are bad for you. Better get it off the road...."

Unfortunately the words are there, buried in the 2000+ pages we were allowed to see. Who knows what the next one will look like - certainly not the people, not even the congresspeople who will vote on it. Once it's law we'll learn the details and they'll reassure us, "Oh no, it may say that but we'd never do that."

Yep, right.

I wonder why we haven't been allowed to see the new bill or watch the procedure for melding the Senate and House versions? Hmmm... think its because they don't want us to learn the details or see the deals being made to buy votes?

Does anyone think this administration would *not* use the same techniques to stay in office? Yep, I'm paranoid! Damn right I am!

The healthcare bill will affect our financial stability also. Naturally the healthcare industry will not do well. Doctors will have their salaries capped as will medical facilities. No pre-existing conditions? Gee, if I have an accident, I'll call an insurance co and buy some then. Why pay for it month after month? Just making those evil corporate insurance vermin rich! Without a base to balance the income and payments, private insurance will go out of business forcing people to the govt plan. There will *have* to be a govt plan to cover those who see their insurance co goes belly up. What's another broken promise when it comes to the health of the US people? That's why it's important to pass *something* -- so they have a basis to add to as they introduce little bits of govt run health care in the dead of night.

Cut doctors pay? Think the best and brightest will put themselves through 12 years of torture to become a doctor for minimum wage? No problem, we'll import a bunch from India and Pakistan - they'll be happy to work for $30K per year.

Ya'll don't have to believe me - it will come to pass.

Excuse me, I gotta go shovel some global warming from my walkway...


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From: "Scott Ritchey" <ritche...@nc.rr.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 1:21 PM
To: "'Mercedes Discussion List'" <mercedes@okiebenz.com>
Subject: Re: [MBZ] OT: Economics (was Sulfur good?)

What do other listers think about the current US economic posture?

Some pundits, like Peter Schiff, claim we are in deep doo-doo because we
went into hock up to our collective necks while we have simultaneously cut way back most wealth (things of value) producing activity. Schiff predicts
very hard times ahead for the US dollar and all those that depend on it.

I would be interested in reasoned, objective opinions from the diverse folks
on this list on this subject.

Scott Ritchey

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