The Porcupine is a resistor array changing voltage to the blower motor, thus changing speed. The controller box selects input to the various resistors.

No, the porcupine is the heavily finned (with circular cross-section
heat-dissipation 'spines') blower speed regulator that lives in the
air plenum by the blower motor.  It's solid-state, and is likely just
a power transistor or three.  (I've never chiseled one open.)  They
are found in the '86+ ACCII's, the ones with the large black AUTO
button and with non-discrete blower speed steps.  There is no separate
speed controller box, they take an output directly from the PBU, which
also contains the brain.  The porcupines are, sadly, not immune from

The controller box (full of relays) is associated with an old-style
box full of dropping resistors, usually on the fender or in the air
intake under the grille.  It does the same job the manual switch used
to do, but under automatic control.  It's separate from the PBU, and
from the cabin temperature regulator box.  They are not failure-prone.

-- Jim

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