G'day folks, we made it through the first day, went to dizzyland (no not a place
all about distributors, although that would be cool) and are somewhat
underwhelmed (sorry can't be bothered to spell check, I'm on holidays) anyway,
you where right a somewaht lame place with ordinary food and no BEER but we are
in a group and the group decision was to go to Mickeys place.
However the staff where very friendly and helpful but it is a place for younger
kids but the boys loved the tech zone, my daughter liked the pirates of the
Caribean ride and they got some groovy souvenirs. Guess it is just the way it
worked out..
We went to Dennys for breaky and learned that grits is porridge and that they
take service seriously in this country, the coffee cup ran out but Gilbert
refilled the cup without asking, so the tip was 10% (as per wonlko 
There are a few things we have to get our heads around, like the pedestrian
traffic signals but hopefulyy we'll survive, tomorrow we are doing a universal
studios and LA by night tour.
Some of my first impressions are that in the main, the people in Oz and US are
pretty similar, in the way they act and dress (yes we have a few of those
straight cap wearing hard boyz)and the cars are not as big as I thought they
would be.
Sure there are a few things that stand out between our cultures but it is kinda
scary how much we are alike but it is early days, I have lived in various parts
of Oztralia so I have some idea of how diverse our country and i would imagine
that the US of A is the same.
Anyway it's bed time, typing is getting harder the more St Paulis I 

who so far likes the US

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