
That's bizarre. I suspect the 'pirated' copies are ones that are
'cracked' and don't use a keygen. The keygen creates a real license
key, same as you would get from MB. I have my EPC and WIS installed at
home, on a PC connected to the internet via broadband. I have no 3rd
party firewall (no ZoneAlarm, etc) just the XP built-in thingy. It's
never asked to connect and I have no idea if it does or not. Works
fine though. It also works on a standalone box that's not connected to
the internet. I think it depends on where you obtained the EPC and
WIS... there may be 'cracked' versions out there that require the
loopback, or that can't be connected to the internet.

The "old" USA-only WIS and EPC have NO problems with this at all.
They're probably still floating around FTP servers, or on eBay...



> ------------------------------
> Date: Mon, 07 Nov 2005 22:51:00 -0600
> From: Russ Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [MBZ] anybody have the new DVD version of the EPC?
> Dave,
> Don't know about your version, But the one my Indy installed would
> not work without the loopback adapter installed. He fought with it for
> 3 hours.
> As for "phoning home" one of the Indies in N.O. told buddy (My Indy)
> at a MB Tech Class that he allowed his WIS & EPC to access the internet.
> About 2 weeks after he installed it. He launched the EPC to look up a part.
> A Screen came up to "WARNING YOU HAVE A PIRATED COPY OF THE EPC" Contact
> MBNA for a Legal copy. Same thing for his copy of the WIS. This was on his
> home computer w/Broadband connection. His Laptop at work that has the same
> EPC and WIS installed and not connected to the Net is still running.
> Go Figure.
> Russ W.

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