well i kept it tuned to an inch of its life
 and it ran like mad !!! 
1985 500 sec 
In a message dated 11/10/2005 8:19:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

that  sounds like fun!!  I bet when you pushed down on the gas, you could  
see the fuel guage drop.  Those are probably worth alot of money now  days.


> well hmmmm oh  what the hell i had a 1970 Cadillac Eldorado fully  loaded 
>  first time i saw the car i fell in love with thoes absulutely massive   
> i used to look at them and i swear to goodness ...i would  think about a  
> corned beef and  special!!!!
> i  i have NO idea why 
> they ( from a side view ) were the thickest seat i  had ever seen !!!!
> it was love and the leather was as good a quality  as my mercedes ( thick,  
> tight  no cracks or wear like the  new caddis ) everything was absolutely  
> the top, massive  hood massive trunk  
> freezing cold air as a matter  of fact the same compressor ( ac) is on my  
> current Mercedes  
> it was a whole lot cheaper to buy a compressor for a gm than a benz  when 
> had to be replaced 
>  oh  yeah the engine was listed in the Guinness book for largest  passenger 
> car ever made !!! 
> 500 cubic inches!!!! 
> yeahhhhhh  babyyyyyyy!!
>  collins 
> 1985 500 sec  

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