Last Sunday afternoon, I visited my sister and her husband in rural, eastern 
NC; not a densely-populated area but not very sparsely-populated, either - 
houses across road from each other and many less than quarter mile apart, etc.  
Sitting on their porch facing the main highway, BIL told me about watching a 
truck pull over by the road in front of the house several days before; 2 men 
got out carrying a long pole; one of the men reached way up overhead with the 
pole under the power distribution line running along beside the road and 
clipped the lower, single wire/cable near one of the power poles, walked to the 
next pole and clipped same wire near that pole; other man rolled up the length 
of wire and put it on the truck; both men proceeded along the road/distribution 
line for several minutes while sister and BIL watched.  Power at the house 
flickered briefly when they made the first cut, but then continued in a, 
seemingly, normal manner.  Sister and BIL thought they were power co. employees 
removing old wire in prep for installing new, but both thought it strange that 
they would just clip between poles and leave.  Well, coupla days later, they 
read in paper about capture of the thieves. 

Few days later, real power co. employees came along replacing the stolen cable; 
during the process, one of the linemen was electrocuted/killed while lowering 
his lift bucket.

Question:  What is the function of the lower, single cable that the thieves 
were taking?  Is it a grounding conductor to enhance safety of the distribution 
system?  I've noticed that grounding conductors running down sides of many of 
the power distribution poles for several blocks near my house have been cut and 
taken from down at the ground and up as high as a man can comfortably reach.  
When I first saw such several years ago and called power co. to report it, 
they'd come out and replace the missing conductor immediately; 'called to 
report same several weeks ago; no response from power co. yet.
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