You didn't take notes did you?
Very poor write up, go back and do it properly and stop fantasising about leather wearing girls.

who gives this review a 2 out of 10

On 08/08/12 07:46, Rich Thomas wrote:
So there is this big golf thing going on over at Kiawah this week, which is just down the road a bit. PGA something or other. I have some disused tickees so decided to go over this morning to see what all the fuss is about. MBUSA is a big sponsor of the games. The parking area has free parking for MBs, so I rolled in there right past the gate and the $20 (!!!) toll collector, got directed to the MB parking area right next to the bus stop. The 84 SD looked pretty good amongst all the newer iron, though for some reason there was a Suburban parked next to me and then a Jaguar X pulled up. hmmm. And I saw this motorcycle, might have been a BMW, parked next to an ML. Now the parking area is out in old tomato fields, and it has been raining, and rained this morning more, so I was thinking that motorcycle next to that ML was gonna push that kickstand right down into the muck and end up a bookend on the ML...

There were actually not that many Benzes in the MB area though, kinda interesting, one E63 was there, in black, looked nice. Today was just a practice day, the main festivities are Th on, so maybe there will be more.

At the golf park they had a big MB tent set up with about 6 or 7 cars in there, including this one that looked a lot like a CLS but more curvy, it was called a Styling Something, had a 4cyl engine and some kind of hybrid thing I think. The description was a bit vague.. It was kinda weird, the interior had this floor kinda built across it just below the bottom of the windows so you could not see the whole interior. There was only one demo babe in there, and she was not really a demo dolly, looked more like some college girl volunteering in the space. One would think they would be targeting the golf geezers, some hot demo dollies would be the order of the day. Maybe some tall German blondes in tight leather outfits encouraging you to buy one... oops, where was I?

Oh yeah... They also had this laptop with a vidcam set up you could make a video they would turn into a little flip book. I did not do that, though the little flip book was kinda neat but doing a stupid human trick to make it was kinda weird. There was a racing helmet and some golf clubs you could do something with. They had two mini-golf setups in there where you could get your putter analyzed. Or maybe it was putting. Whatever, I don't know much about golf. It was two guys doing the analyzing, I did not want them around my putter so did not avail myself of that function. Had they been hot babes, maybe...

The MB aspect was kinda lame, though they did have a C63 in there, all tarted up in some sort of racing look, with some stickers and such. It looked pretty stock though, so not sure what that was about. No S class, no diesels.

OK back to workies...


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