Someone posted the story recently about two Marines who died repelling an insurgent attack on a Marine base in Afghanistan. Today at church I was talking with a retired Marine, turns out he's an aviator and knew and served with the LCOL who died. Small world. He knew the whole story.
Max Dillon
Charleston SC
'95 E300
'87 300TD

Nothing against the other branches, but some of the most memorable people I have met were/are Marines.

Harry used to own one of the oldest MB dealers in the country. It have been a Studebaker/MB dealer before he bought it from the PO. I think he was a grunt.

Cal was the head honkey at the John Deere Waterloo works when I met him. That was when they employed 13,000 at that plant. He went on to be a board member of JD. I never knew if he had been enlisted or an officer.

"jump" was a pilot of the last squadron of F-4s in active duty at KMCAS. He was part of the final flight of the last F-4 squadron when they flew off into the sunrise to deliver the F-4s to the boneyard. He later returned to KMCAS as the air boss a few years later.

Captain Benson was my son's Cub Scout leader. Not many kids get a real fighter pilot as a Den Leader. Mine did. We watched them fly off in 1991 toward Iraq.

I met Pappy Boyington maybe a year before he died. He was a character to the end.

I had a couple of other friends from KMCAS who were enlisted. One had all the stripes you could get. The other had almost as many stripes. One of them introduced us to "chili Phillie dip" we still make that frequently. Made some last night.

Probably some others too.

To be fair to other branches:

I know 4 memorable people who were nuke submariners. 2 enlisted, father and son. (they can fix anything) and 2 rickover officers. They are very capable people. One is recognized as the world leader in his field.

I met a Navy Captain who had a 200D. He was a good guy. Not a starched neck like a lot of the others.

I work with a "bubblehead boomer" He was in charge of the missiles on the subs. Then he taught others. He spent the rest of his life in automation and controls. Interesting guy.

I worked for a guy who had been Army enlisted when Pearl Harbor was attacked. He and some buddies invented palletized freight. He was a specialist in burners and controls. He was THE guy that the navy called anytime from anywhere in the world when they could not get a ship to light a fire and their personnel could not figure it out. Harry would talk them through it over the phone.

Wayne had been in the AIr Corps in the Pacific in WWII. I had a couple college classes he taught. He was a bona-fide genius, and could do anything. He related hydraulics to electronics. I understood the hydraulics, so I related the electronics to hydraulics when I tried to learn that. (A diode is just a check valve) A class with Wayne was always interesting. He was a superb storyteller. So each lesson was an interesting story about some experience he had that related to what we were supposed to learn. It was like listening to Red Skelton. He would have us laughing uproariously, but we learned. He had worked for Cincinnati Milacron, and also for Hammond/Baldwin when they were building the famous B-3 and C-3 organs. He could talk about hydraulics, electronics, milling machines and other machine tools and machining, and music and organs. Wayne was a true industrial technologist. One of his best stories was how they salvaged parts off damaged bombers to make an ice cream machine on a pacific island.

I knew a woman who was a ferry pilot in WWII (WAC) She flew planes all over the globe to deliver them to the theaters of war. She was a corporate pilot the rest of her life.

My Daughter's neighbor is a WWII B-17 pilot. I've never gotten him to tell stories, but he is a great guy. His wife was an Army nurse. The guy who used to own her house was an Air Corps Colonel who was in charge of the Philippines after the war was over. I'd like to have heard his stories.

Here is to all those people, and to Wilton and Max and all the other veterans on the list. Thanks for all you did.

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