How 'bout another Sondy Tale?

By Wilton Strickland

In Jan'79, while I was director of engineering at Sondrestrom Air Base, Greenland, the Danish contractor chief engineer told me one morning that a couple of his men had been testing our rock crusher that morning in preparation for crushing rock for a runway re-paving project in the summer and the crushing jaw had broken. I exclaimed, "It's -25 degrees F today! Why'd they have to test it today?!" He responded, "Well, I was telling them several days ago that we need to start getting it ready for crushing soon, but I didn't know they were doing it today." I couldn't help but say, "And they didn't realize that it's -25F today, and they don't know that iron and steel are more brittle when it's cold?!" He could only shrug and look sheepish. I asked, "Can I get up on the crusher and see the broken part, so I'll know a little more about what I'm talking about when I call headquarters in Colorado Springs with the "good" news?" He replied, "Yes, you can get up on it; 'need to be very careful; it's dangerous and slippery." "Let's go see it; ride with me," I said, while donning my parka.

The crusher was like new; it had arrived in summer of '77 in anticipation of the summer '79 paving project and had hardly been used other than the initial setup. I climbed very carefully up on the crusher and was able to peer down into the jaws and confirm - yep, shonuff - jaw was broken - even through the factory red paint still on it.

Back at the office, I called headquarters with the "good" news. Civilian engineer I talked to nearly had a fit. 'First thing he asked, "What's the temperature today?" My reply, "At best, - 25F." He bellowed, "Minus 25?! Why'd they have to test it today?! Did you tell 'em to test it today?" "No, I had no idea they were running it at all. 'Same thing I asked about the temperature; no good answer, yet, and I doubt there is one. Meanwhile, we need to get a new jaw on the way ASAP. 'You want to call the manufacturer, or shall I?" "I'll call 'em after I calm down a bit," he said - and added, "And the contractor's going to pay for it, too."

I left for the last time about two weeks later, and never heard any more about the broken crusher. Nobody ever called me to "testify," so I guess they worked it out.


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