Two pilots with Air India have been suspended after they caused a near-disaster by allowing members of the cabin crew to fly their jet for 40 minutes while one took a toilet break - and the captain went for a snooze in business class. The pilots were forced to dash back into the cockpit after the female cabin crew disconnected the auto-pilot in mid flight. incident is reported to have happened as the Air India Airbus 321 flew from Bangkok to New Delhi on April 12. According to reports, the near-disaster happened at 33,000 feet. Thirty minutes after take of from Bangkok, the plane's first officer asked a stewardess to sit in his seat while he took a toilet break. Minutes later the captain invited a second cabin crew member in to the cockpit while he went for a sleep in business class. The pilots were forced to rush back to the cockpit after one of the women accidentally disengaged the auto pilot. The scene was witnessed by a member of Air India's management, who reported the incident. The pilots and the cabin crew have now been suspended, Air India told local media.
The flight had 166 passengers on board.

Are modern jets physically designed to more or less maintain level flight if the autopilot is disconnected and there are no control inputs? I seem to remember that some singles advertised that capability years ago. Gerry

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