How about the 5 year old with the gun who shot and killed his 2 year old sister in Kentucky (if I recall). I would suggest it is a crime that the local authorities did not want to charge the parents.
What is wrong with people who provide a lethal weapon to a 5 year old?


On 16/05/2013 2:40 PM, Scott Ritchey wrote:
Andrew, Can you cite an example to support this assertion?

By the way, in this particular NPR story, the ATF was aggressive but the
Assistant US Attorney didn't want to be bothered prosecuting.

I pay attention to local criminal activity in Vance Co., NC.  Most crime
here is committed by a small number of career criminals.  Our local Sheriff
and the city police have had great success getting these guys off the street
by charging them with Federal gun law violations.  These crimes are easy to
prove (e.g. mere possession) and the Federal laws have much bigger teeth
than the state laws for property crimes.


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