On Jul 5, 2013, at 9:12 PM, "Rusty Cullens" <rustycull...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You hit it right Rick

Don't tell my kids. They think dad is dumb. 

> . I talked to Trent's brother tonite. He got shafted for 24k. Me..... A few 
> more bucks.

Ugh. That does suck. 

> My customers got the big shaft and for that I apologize.

Apology accepted, but it's not your fault. 

> I probably should have just shut Bimby down.

Nah. Should've sold it to me. I'd've put Mao to work on the web and phones and 
then he couldn't complain about not having work anymore. :D

>I miss all my customers but as I said 4 >months ago I had to take care of me.

Wise decision, especially in light of the coming changes in the health care 
system. Health insurance costs are going up. 

>I will endorse Gary because he does >care for older Mercedes, but I will not 
>>agree that he has my knowledge of >the car in general. My issues with him 
>>are over, I have moved on.

That says a lot. 

Sent from my iPhone
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