One question. Who are "WE" ?

 "Victory over Germany was declared on May 18th, 1945. The 
time it took from the Declaration of War to Victory over Germany was 3 years, 5 
months and 7 days. Actually amazing when you consider it."

Others were fighting and dying for some time before WE got involved.

The rest I agree with.

Fred Moir 
Lynn MA 
Diesel preferred.

> From: Mitch Haley <>
>To: Mercedes Discussion List <> 
>Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2013 2:57 PM
>Subject: Re: [MBZ] I am about to be ill
>Craig wrote:
>Witless Wednesday; Obamacare By The Numbers
>   By Mike | November 13, 2013 - 11:00 am | America, Future, Libertarian, 
>Politics, Witless Wednesday
>I have been asked to put the recent circus called Obamacare into perspective. 
>Other than a disbelief in Progressivism as a viable policy, I have tried to be 
>at least reasonable about my critique of this administration. I’ve given him 
>benefit of the doubt on most right-wing fear mongering. I don’t put much 
>into him being a Muslim agent, or Kenyan citizen, I don’t really believe he is 
>the Anti-Christ. I’m not wont to call the president, and his cabinet of 
>buffoons, evil. Sadly, though, he is turning out to be pretty much what I 
>all along;
>He’s turning out to be as incompetent as every other far-left politician we 
>elected. Not evil, just incompetent. Progressivism is a policy of buffoonery 
>it is, and he is the most Progressive president we have ever elected. It’s 
>that now, with his name-sake achievement out in the open for public 
>no amount of spin and rhetoric can cover for it anymore. That’s the problem 
>building a house of cards, one ill wind will topple it.
>So, the best comparison I can offer is the last time we mobilized an entire 
>government to accomplish a task. Forget for the moment the cost, the 
>the falsehoods, and even the spin. Let’s look at what I consider the true 
>telling of Progressive incompetence, by the numbers.
>We declared war on Japan on December 8th, 1941 a day after the attack on Pearl 
>Harbor, and war on Germany on December 11th. We had to build an army, an Air 
>Force and rebuild a Navy. We had to mobilize a public and retool our 
>base to manufacture tanks, planes, guns and bombs. We had to fight back 
>Fascism’s gains in Africa, Italy and across the Middle East. We had to 
>and implement the largest invasion in the history of the World and beat 
>back across the Rhine. Victory over Germany was declared on May 18th, 1945. 
>time it took from the Declaration of War to Victory over Germany was 3 years, 
>months and 7 days. Actually amazing when you consider it.
>Now, let’s look at the modern equivalent;
>The Affordable Care Act was signed into law and fully funded on March 23rd, 
>2010. The website roll out, the public face of the act, was rolled out on 
>October 1st, 2013. They had the entire Federal Government working on this 
>program, and spared no expense. From implementation to execution of the law 
>3 years, 5 months, and 8 days. 1 day longer than it took to declare victory in 
>Germany. Look at Germany today. Look at Draw your own 
>conclusions as to how well a bureaucracy can run anything, much less a program 
>that impacts every one of us. Anyway you look at it, it is incompetency on 
>The saddest of all, is not the bumbling, the lies, the incompetence. Even the 
>hard core left Democrats are turning on the administration now. Clinton, 
>Landreau and even Feinstein are now dodging for cover and looking for excuses. 
>All trying to save the Democratic brand. Clinton of course knows this debacle 
>will crush Hillary’s chance at the presidency. Landreau is up for reelection 
>this year, so it’s no surprise her and 18 other Senate Democrats are now 
>about the bill. Feinstein knows it will overturn the Senate in 2014, so she’s 
>now panicked. Even the Democratic cheerleaders in the domestic media can no 
>longer cover for a farce this obvious. Their ratings are in the toilet, and 
>they’re starting to figure why. The thing that is making me witless this 
>Wednesday is that a majority of voters still haven’t seemed to figure out what 
>kind of albatross they have had strapped to their futures. What’s the old 
>saying? No matter how big the fool, there is always a bigger fool to follow 
>So, another Wednesday, another reason to be witless. If you can excuse this 
>debacle, or point blame anywhere else but this incompetent administration; 
>welcome to the witless class, they have you right where they want you. I leave 
>you with a few reminders before you consider voting in 2014.
>And before you consider putting another progressive in office, the last word 
>the matter;
>Have a great Wednesday. Get yourself out of the Witless Class.

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