That's an interesting picture you paint! you mentioned the horse at 10mph - that would have seemed like you were going incredibly fast at the time! People never saw much higher speed than 10mph unless falling from a cliff until the mechanical engines were created (a little before your 100 yr time frame). back in 2014 (the year my Dad was born) the Wright Bros with their crazy ideas had been in the air for several years, motor vehicles were beginning to populate the muddy, rutted roads of America. The Ford Model T started production in 1908 BTW.

The good ol days ;-^


On 1/27/2014 6:31 PM, clay wrote:
But then we live in a very different world, Dan.  Responsibility for ones 
actions would have to return.  Accepting fewer circus acts and free bread.  
Then again, we would have no need for all the toys and distractions.  We would 
have healthy and hearty meals, no need to pay for gym memberships, no time for 
mass entertainment.  Artists would have local audiences, and might make a 
living wage, instead of plunking out fake tunes on a computer.

I was driving to the body shop this morning in the S430, and it dawned on me, 
radio blasting, that I was going 25mph and what would it have been like a 
century ago to be on the same street.  Horse powered,  no radio, maybe all of 
10mph at a trot.  I would have to sing to myself.  Might trust the horse to 
plod along while reading a book.  Unless it were raining.  I would need to be 
bundled up instead of allowing the heat and seat warmer to coddle me.  And what 
of the other traffic?  Maybe a garbage cart, no school buses, or distracted 
mothers in SUV toting kidlets to school.   Ice carts, milk cart, tinker, 
firewood hauler, a carriage or two.  Street packed with employed people doing 
jobs.  Fresh food, since it would be hard to put up enough that you could avoid 
going to the market every few days.  It would take a few hours to make a meal 
for the family instead of tossing some mystery ration into the nuker.


On Jan 27, 2014, at 3:11 PM, Mountain Man wrote:

clay wrote:
If we should slow down how productive industry is, we might be able to find 
more productive employment opportunities.

For the days of low productivity and many persons doing what one
person and machines do today.
Totally agree.  Decreased productivity means more jobs.  Forget about
minimum wage - if we open our hearts and give rather than believe the
lie that *taking is admirable* we might recover the country that made
us great.  Think about the low productivity in building 10 airplanes
each day during the war 70 years ago.  Nobody complained about wage -
they/we did our job and were happy to put a hand to the task.  Today
we would be hard pressed to put a hand to a war machine like in 1940+
but I would guess if we were inventive we might find efforts for more
of us to work rather than administer, and give rather take.  Real work
was accomplished when productivity was much less.  Nice catch Clay!!


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