I have not fully looked into it but Qantas is bleating about their
competitors getting assistance from their governments, how much truth
there is to that I do not know.
who gets a little assistance from the government
On 03/03/14 03:05, G Mann wrote:
In nature, predators always take the weak from the herd first. In open
competition, only the strong win. In government imposed "diversity" that
natural balance is skewed. By government mandate, the banks that failed
were saved, Solandra got loans, government employees who don't produce are
retained and promoted........ By Congressional edict, a certain portion of
the work force must be hired and retained based on some physical attribute
other than job skill. We are then taxed to servitude to pay for all of
this social engineering under the guise of "it's for the public good".
And we wonder why the world is out of balance?
In my considered opine, it equates to castrating your self because your
neighbor has to many children. Not logical to natures rule of survival.
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