Luther Gulseth wrote:
> I will never live in a city limit or covenant limit.  Ham radio and cars
> DO NOT get along with EITHER!

I live in a rural Michigan county. We've got county zoning ordinances.
For example, a motor vehicle must be licensed or stored indoors. 
The local enforcement guy allows you one or two outdoors. He doesn't
go around looking for violations generally, 99% of his work is in
response to "tips" from the public. The land I'm on is zoned agricultural,
I could have 50 partially assembled tractors in the front yard if I
wanted. (a guy a few miles away came pretty close to that about ten
years ago, I don't know if he liked having all that junk in front of
his house or if he was trying to piss somebody off).

I will generally not buy land within the limits of an incorporated
city or village, nor will I touch land with deed restrictions or
that somebody else owns the oil and mineral rights.

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