Seems like there used to be a lot of discussion on this list about Linux distros. Are the Linux users quiet because they aren't having problems?

On 9/2/2014 11:29 PM, Hendrik and Fay via Mercedes wrote:
Well yeah, you may be right, style without substance only gets you so far. It seems that there are people trying to make viruses for macs
The hack a celeb nude from the cloud thingy won't help.

One of the key selling points used to be that a mac is easier and safer to use than windows, it perhaps may be still easier than windows (I haven't kept up with windows much but son has winders on his school lapdog and seems to get along alright with it) but I do know we had a major crash on our mac book pro, which needed the whole operating system to be reinstalled, this brought back memories of using windows and how every know and then it spat the dummy and needed a clean install.

Plus they wanted to charge us to get iphoto back on the mac, which I managed to get off our original installation CD but the issue still remains that apple was being greedy there and before you say "ooh but you should not expect to get a program for free" well we paid for it when we bought the mac originally and had we not chosen the pro with a CD drive, we may well have been at the mercy of apple and the AU$19 charge for iphoto not too mention how the heck I would have recovered the OS without a CD. I tried all the inbuilt recovery things but only a clean install got it to work again.

It just seems that without Jobs being the figurehead, apple is starting to be exposed to be just like windows, only more expensive, which will drive a lot of folk to android.
That image of being hip because you got a mac has pretty much gone.
Daimler found that out too, relying on past glories does not guarantee future success and maybe it's apples turn to go through a bit of a slump, again but the question is do they have the visionaries to pull them out of the slump? Slashing the prices of their products is not the answer I think, as it will expose them for the overcharging they have been doing for years.

who is sending this via an old penguin powered desktop machine

On 02/09/14 10:41, Curt Raymond via Mercedes wrote:
Apple is in trouble. They've basically given the professional world the finger with the new MacPro, their phones are twice the money for no added features and their last tablet release sucked, it had less resolution than a Kindle for 50% more money. The world is starting to wake up. They've got to actually do something if they want to stay on top, image only lasts for awhile, look at Blackberry.



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