In the US I am in possession of knowledge that says there are more trees now than before the European invaders arrived. And apparently the pre-European-invader indigenous peoples were fairly indiscriminate about burning down huge forests for hunting or whatever reasons. Around my parts trees are a cash crop so there are lots and lots of trees that grow, get cut down, more are planted...


All these people who believe people are the problem and run around screaming the air is warming, the oceans are rising, the polar bears are dying, the ice caps are melting, we have to eliminate CO2, the sky is falling and the latest fear mongering by the albore crowd should do their bit to help. Obviously since people caused all this in their eyes, they should do the right thing and unselfishly remove themselves from the planet. Albore should be first in line.

Being selfish, not one of them will. This is not surprising, since they all define hypocracy with their actions. Alabore flys around in his jets preaching to others not to, and so on down the line of the their rank and file.


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