Thanks Mao. That is only part of it. I'll try again to find the whole thing, Sans fb.

Max wrote:
Doesn't work for me, I've avoided contracting the Facebook virus for this long, not about to volunteer for infection now...

I totally agree!!
Here is the text from Motor Sport Magazine article:

Today marks the 60th anniversary of Stirling Moss and Denis
Jenkinson's record-breaking win in the Mille Miglia. Jenks's
first-person account, which appeared in the June 1955 issue of Motor
Sport, is one of the landmark pieces of automotive journalism. Here it

On May 1st motor-racing history was made, for Stirling Moss won the
1,000-mile Mile Miglia, the first time in twenty-two years that this
has been achieved by a British driver, and I had the very great
privilege of sitting beside him throughout this epic drive.

But let us go back to the beginning, for this win was not a fluke on
the spur of the moment, it was the result of weeks, even months, of
preparation and planning. My enthusiasm for the Mille Miglia race goes
back many years, among the reasons being the fact that it is
permissible to carry a passenger, for this event is for all types of
road-going cars, from family saloons to Grand Prix-type racing/sports
cars, and when I had my first taste of the lure of the Mille Miglia as
a competitor last year, with Abecassis in the H.W.M., I soon set about
making plans for the 1955 event.

Regular Motor Sport readers will remember that last year I enthused
over a little private dice that Moss gave me in a Maserati, and at the
time I mentioned to him my desire to run in the Mille Miglia again.
Then in September, whilst in discussion with the American driver John
Fitch, we came to the decision that the only way a non-Italian could
win the Mille Miglia was by applying science. At the time he was
hoping to be in the official Mercedes-Benz team for the event, and we
had long talks about ways in which the driver could use a passenger as
a mechanical brain, to remove the responsibility of learning the
circuit. When it is realised that the race is over 1,000 miles of
ordinary, unprepared Italian road, the only concession to racing being
that all traffic is removed from the roads for the duration of the
race, and the way through towns is lined with straw bales, it will be
appreciated that the task of one man learning every corner, every
swerve, gradient, hummock, brow and level-crossing is nigh impossible.
Even the top Italian drivers, such as Taruffi, Maglioli, Castellotti,
etc., only know sections of the route perfectly, and all the time they
must concentrate on remembering what lies round the next corner, or
over the next brow.

During the last winter, as is well known, Moss joined the
Mercedes-Benz team and the firm decided that it would not be possible
for Fitch to drive for them in the Mille Miglia, though he would be in
the team for Le Mans, so all our plans looked like being of no avail.
Then, just before Christmas, a telephone call from Moss invited me to
be his passenger in the Mille Miglia in a Mercedes-Benz 300SLR, an
invitation which I promptly accepted, John Fitch having sportingly
agreed that it would be a good thing for me to try out our plans for
beating the Italians with Moss as driver...



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