The ballot box will only work IF an American is on the ballot in place of the usual socilist vs maxist/comminist choices AND (as you pointed out) IF sorry as crew can't successfully stuff the ballot boxes as usual.

History repeats itself. Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it.

Adolph Chamberlain has more tricks up his sleeve. His namesake burned the bundestag, then disbanded it by "executive order." Chamberlain has already neutered the gress of con. He is following the same plan. I predict a fire or other event will lead to disbanding the 435 cons and assumption of dictatorial status. Marty al law will be next, probably in the same teleprompter reading. At that point sore ross will be in control. True evil. A Bond villain or batman/superman villain with a puppet. then the "cultural rev ol ution" will begin. Sure ria law is adolph's goal.

Some where in this process the call toa rms will occur. At this point the trump card may be in play.

Not pretty, but lets revisit the topic in 2 years and see if the pre diction did or did not prove accurate.

As amazing as it may seem, after listening to the hoplophobic media, in 60+
years, I have never had a rifle assault me on its own.

I do find it worthy of notice however, the latest murder by muslim was
committed in a "gun free zone" just like the last 20 or so such multiple

Apparently, criminals can't read the signs. Imagine that.
Perhaps a bright muzzle flash would provide them the proper illumination so
they could read the sign?

I predict an orderly revolt at the ballot box. I further predict, should
that be perverted by the likes of Soros controlling the vote count, a full
on revolt by well and truly pissed off American Citizens who, once in
motion will be slow to cool down.. I do hope we don't go there. However,
being the Capitalist I am.. I've bought future positions in rope and axe
handles... and I do hold the production rights to a Guillotine design
...... Just in case.

Have a nice day !

On Sat, Jul 18, 2015 at 5:42 AM, Curly McLain via Mercedes <> wrote:


 Being in the protected and isolated beltway of DC you likely don't realize
 that Soros and other like him are the real reason Trump has leaped to the
 leadership position in two weeks after filing to run for President.

 Trump stands up, speaks up, and won't shut up, because he is not
 intimidated by anyone. The rest of America west of the Potomac River are
 truly and well pissed at the District of Corruption, Soros, and the evil
 they represent.

 So, Yes, a little bio discourse on Soros ... and others.. is actually
 Trump... who in plain words, without doing the "PC Dance" says what
 Americans have been saying for the past 30 yrs..

 "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take this any more" just about sums it
 up for most Americans, about now.

 Some  correlation to the huge increase in sales of "as sault"  rye fles
 and their expendables since the mos lem pre sident was elected and a
 > continual stream of atrocities have been committed by the 9 okoles in black
 > robes and the cons in gress.
 > I'm just waiting for the mann to say it is time to go...

 Time to play the trump card?


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