DAMN, I forgot your progeny was of that age!

Goes by fast.  Will be 14yo in a couple of weeks, that gives us
a year and change to find/fix car before driving lessons begin.

There is a really nice looking w115 by me. Driver door got smacked and is now gathering parking tickets. Not mine, but it should really go to a good home if the owner will part with it.

I have two front W115 doors in storage.  U-pull, _with_ mirrors.

Boy says W115 or W123 is all the same to him.  We have one each,
so he has samples to examine.  Not a choice yet at all, he also
said he might like Swedish.  ('Cause it's Swedish, he wouldn't
know one from a rolling dog turd.)

Just trying to get him thinking a bit about the whole process.

Local w123 are either scrap or over priced at the moment. I can keep an eye for something large enough for a bass, stick, and of questionable coloration

Sure, that'd be fine.  Don't bust your hump over it or anything,
we're far from that point.  SWMBA is mighty A about the whole thing.
Feeling left out I guess.  Yeah, like she cares about cars...
Projecting much, dear?

-- Jim


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