
----- Original Message ----- From: "National Biodiesel Board" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 2:01 PM
Subject: NBB to Open Washington, DC, Office

National Biodiesel Board to Open Washington, DC, Office

Industry Organization Announces Governmental Affairs Team

The National Biodiesel Board (NBB) announced today it will be opening an office in Washington, DC, starting March 1, 2006. The office will focus on federal regulatory and legislative issues impacting the biodiesel industry.

In addition to opening its Washington, DC, based governmental affairs office, the industry’s nonprofit coordinating organization is proud to announce Scott Hughes has been promoted from Regulatory Director to Director of Governmental Affairs. As Director of Governmental Affairs, Hughes will have management responsibility for NBB’s state and federal regulatory and legislative programs. Hughes will be 100 percent dedicated to biodiesel legislative issues and coordination, while other members of the team will be partially dedicated to biodiesel issues and specialize in their respective areas.

The biodiesel industry has achieved tremendous success from the extraordinary policy leadership of the American Soybean Association (ASA). NBB will continue to fully support its very strong partnership with ASA. NBB’s new governmental affairs team is structured to supplement the ongoing work with ASA and to even more effectively coordinate the overall legislative effort.

The NBB federal governmental affairs team has a wealth of industry knowledge and Washington-based governmental affairs experience. It is well prepared to represent the interests and needs of the biodiesel industry. The federal governmental affairs team is:

Scott Hughes (Director of Governmental Affairs) – Hughes brings over 15 years of governmental affairs, public service, and political experience to the position, including having worked on Capitol Hill. In addition, Hughes has worked for NBB for the past three and a half years in regulatory affairs. “Scott is very knowledgeable about biodiesel and the dynamics of the industry,” said Joe Jobe, CEO of NBB. “He has demonstrated tremendous talent and effectiveness as NBB Regulatory Director and is uniquely suited to immediately step into this expanded role to head up our Washington, DC, office.” Hughes’s current state regulatory role will be served by contractors yet to be named.

Gordley and Associates – Gordley and Associates is a Washington, DC, based government relations firm specializing in legislation and regulatory policies affecting agriculture and related industries. Gordley and Associates has a successful, long-standing relationship with ASA, NBB and the biodiesel industry. Gordley Associates has been at the center of biodiesel policy efforts since NBB’s beginning.

• John Gordley, founder, has extensive experience working in both the legislative and executive branches of government. Gordley’s areas of expertise include farm policy, agricultural trade policy and biotechnology. He has played a major role in every national farm bill since 1981. This experience will be invaluable as agriculture policy incorporates several programs critical to the biodiesel industry. • Mark Palmer has served as the primary federal contact for the biodiesel industry over the last two years. Palmer has extensive Hill experience and a renewable fuel policy background. Palmer was the point person for the industry in its successful efforts to pass the volumetric biodiesel fuels tax credit in 2004. • Janet Kopenhaver (Eye on Washington) - Kopenhaver has over twenty years experience in the governmental relations field. Kopenhaver has been serving as the Federal Regulatory Consultant to NBB for over two years. In this capacity, she closely monitors federal agency proposed regulations and grant programs for their impact on the biodiesel industry.

Alan Weber (MARC-IV) - Weber is a founding partner of MARC-IV, a consulting company that specializes in the development of industrial products from agricultural resources. Weber has been associated with NBB and the biodiesel industry for over 10 years. He specializes in advising NBB on economic & technical activities. Weber has significant experience in federal regulatory affairs and has played a central role in every major federal initiative proposed by NBB. He will serve as a transition team member moving to Washington for approximately one year to help ensure the successful launch of the new Biodiesel Governmental Affairs Team.

Tim Urban (Washington Council Ernst & Young) – Urban is a partner with Washington Council Ernst & Young. Urban’s areas of expertise include tax and budget. Urban has been advising the biodiesel regulatory team since the beginning of the campaign for the biodiesel tax credit in 2002. He has extensive experience in this field having worked for the tax writing committee in the U.S. House of Representatives (Ways & Means).

Karen Coble Edwards (KCE Public Affairs Associates) - Headed by Edwards, KCE will continue to provide public affairs services to NBB from Washington, DC. Since 2000, KCE’s Edwards and Melissa Narins have provided public, government and media relations counsel to NBB. Edwards helps direct growth of NBB’s Biodiesel Alliance and Backers outreach program as well as represents NBB on the board of directors of the Transportation Energy Partnership, formerly known as the National Clean Cities Inc. program.

Photos and complete bios of the Biodiesel Government Affairs Team can be found at

Joe Jobe
National Biodiesel Board

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