There was a documentary on PBS a few months back about how the civil order in NORK is not entirely under the control of the Brirriant Reader. There seems to be a lot of smuggled movies and TV shows that people watch on those little players from DVDs and flash drives. I seem to recall old merkin TV shows being somewhat popular, esp those showing conspicuous consumption by glamorous characters like JR. I think there is a group in SKorea that does something similar with balloons they release to float over norkland, carrying little radios and DVDs and such, and it causes considerable upset among the Brirriant Reader's toadies -- can't let the sheeple know any different from what the Brirriant Reader tells them.


On 1/6/16 10:57 AM, Meade Dillon via Mercedes wrote:
We should be air-dropping our old small portable computers
(iPods/iPhones/SmartPhones/tablets) with translated Chuck Norris movies
into North Korea.  Also drop solar panel chargers and headphones.  Load up
a few movies, maybe some ebooks, start building the base for the
revolution.  When the PRC falls, NK will fold shortly after, something most
of us will see in our lifetime I predict.

Charleston SC

On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 9:15 PM, Curly McLain via Mercedes <> wrote:

Interesting article.  Somehow, apparently PBS backed in to the truth,
inadvertently, as usual.


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