I also, noticed someone was using a tow dolly, how safe/unsafe are they
compared to a car trailer and is one easier to handle/backup than the other?

They're plenty safe, so far as I know.  You basically cannot back them
up, unless you're quite good at it.  It's really two trailers in a row
you're towing.

I was told by someone, that a car dolly is not suitable for a car/truck with
an automatic transmission unless something is done to the
transmission/differential(or unless the vehicle is towed backwards!!) Do any of you know if this is true and to what extent and what it is that needs to
be done as not to harm the transmission?

There is basically nothing made that I know of that can have an
automatic tranny and be towed any significant distance or speed
with the driven wheels down, _unless_ it has a transfer case with
a Neutral setting.  (Big pickups, in other words.)  FWD cars are
easy, just put the driven (front) wheels on the dolly.  For RWD,
the rear wheels have to be on the dolly, but then you've got to
freeze the steering mechanism or risk a whip-induced wreck.  Or,
put the front wheels on and drop the driveshaft.

Trailers are brainless.  Lash car on and go.  That's why they're
so popular.

-- Jim

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