Jeff Zedic wrote:
> I'm wondering if what another lister has said has happened to me. He
> said that after replcing his cells the valve had been "hammered to
> death" by the dead old cells.....ideas??

I say that about the 16v because the pump sends oil to the valve, 
which comes back up the return line to the reservoir without
any pressure building. I assumed that if the valve worked, there
would be no bypass to the reservoir until the car was raised. 
"hammered" seemed to be an accurate description, if the pressure
spikes in the SLS are comparable to the slams the driver feels
in the seat over small pavement imperfections. This sucker has
all the suspension compliance of a go-kart. Still haven't removed
the valve, can't get the lines busted loose and don't want to
cut them. I may take a propane torch to it and try "gentle" heat.

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