Assuming this is the SDL.  Sounds like the serpentine belt saving feature, 
which cuts the compressor clutch power signal, is the issue.

In the KLIMA relay, the circuitry compares the compressor speed (from a sensor 
on the back of the compressor) to the engine speed, and if they are too far 
apart, no power is supplied to the compressor clutch.

Could be bad KLIMA relay, bad AC compressor speed sensor, bad tachometer speed 
sensor, bad wiring, bad fuse, bad HVAC push-button controller unit, bad engine 
control computer (tach signal goes through computer for distro to tachometer 
and KLIMA relay), bad clutch.  All need to be tested and the problem(s) found 
and fixed.
Max Dillon
Charleston SC
'87 300TD
'95 E300

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