Some folks doubted me before the election when I said there would be a lot of voter fraud again. After the election, I pointed out tht without the illegals who voted illegally, trump won the popular vote also, even without taking out the fraudulent votes. Again some folks derided me.

Take 30 seconds and do a google search for "Massive voter fraud uncovered by election recount" Just the first page turns up 4 states, MI, WI, PA and NV, from various sources. In MI, over 600 precincts out of 1600+ were obviously fraudulent. Many precents counted more votes then they had voters. Some of the H\|/ votes were counted 6 times. THat is a new means of fraud to me. I know the (J) voters often "vote early, vote often" but counting one vote 6 times is a problem with the county officials, not the individual (although the (J) county officials often close their eyes when (J) voters vote multiple times.)


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