Our terrorist in chief, who brags he has no scandals. (except a whole list, including running guns to the mexican drug peddlers) The only self-aclaimed perfect man, who studied under terrorist bombers, Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn, has seen fit to turn more terrorists on the public.

Not content with importing 10s of thousands of sandrats, and untold millions of potential terrorists allowed or encouraged to cross the border, the terorist in chief has seen fit to release an unrepentant terrorist on a mostly unsuspecting public. This terrorist is a leader of FALN, the Puerto Rican communist terrorist group, who was responsible for many bombings, killing at least 5 and injuring about 60 people.

I hope this murderer moves in next to BO/BS in DC and works his magic on the o'family.

Or maybe next to the CCF grandchild....


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