Status report: Tonight on the drive home from work, boost was hitting as high as 12.5 psi. I've done nothing since Saturday night, so I'm not sure why measured boost jumped from 9.5 to 12.5 psi. I shortened the control rod by 1.5 turns, which my research indicated should have increased the boost by 4.5 psi. I initially measure 8 psi maximum boost before the adjustment, then 9.5 psi immediately after, now I'm spot on at 12.5, which is what I was aiming for. I'm wondering if the seat of the waste gate valve was fouled with carbon and not sealing well, so I could never get full boost, but now that I've bumped up the boost, exhaust gas temperatures are up and the spring is pulling the waste gate valve more tightly closed, and some of the carbon has burned off?
Regardless, this is just about the boost level I was looking for. Now there is nary a hint of knocking / nailing, and very light smoke. I'm going to keep watching the boost gauge for another week or so, drive it hard, and see if I can burn any accumulated carbon out of the pre-chambers and get this engine back to running like normal. On the glow plug front, now I've got a rough idle after a cold start, so I suspect a bad plug or two has developed. Replacing all the glow plugs may happen very soon. ------------- Max Charleston SC _______________________________________ To search list archives To Unsubscribe or change delivery options go to: