While Dan is working out his AC we're getting a little snow. Angie and I had 
gone to Keene for game night and on the way back it was pretty slippy. We'd 
gotten maybe 1/4" of snow but its cold, like 15F so the cars are crushing it 
into an ice layer. We were driving uphill into a left hand bend when all of a 
sudden a gen 4 ('99 to '04) Jetta crossed our path sliding sideways. Turns out 
she'd slowed to avoid and accident and got hit by the van behind her.
I grabbed the binders thinking "Yeah right, we're going to slide right into 
her" but to my surprise between the snow tires and the ABS our '05 Golf (also a 
gen4) didn't even waver and slowed down smartly. I navigated around the Jetta 
and accelerated just before our trailing vehicle would have hit us. We got 
pulled off to the side and stopped, I got out to go see if the other driver 
needed help and very nearly fell on my butt, it was that slippery.
She wasn't hurt but the trunk and bumper on her car were all stove in and she'd 
slid down the bank enough she'll need a tow. We waited with her until the 
police showed up, meanwhile a plow truck came by.
Didn't help though, trying to climb into Troy we got behind a Durango that was 
having a helluva time making the hill. Troy is tough, you climb a big hill, go 
back down and then climb again. I actually pulled off halfway up the hill, the 
vehicle behind us had no concept of safe following distance and I didn't fancy 
being a sandwich. I let them get well ahead before I tried again and about 3/4 
of the way up the hill even we were having a challenging time, I kept the Golf 
in 3rd at about 1600 rpm, enough power to move the car but not really any for 
spinning, I was keeping out of the turbo, trying to drive it like a 240D.
The south side of Troy we got into deeper snow, an inch or maybe two but it was 
really windy and the wind was making snow devils that made it hard to see. We 
forged on though and made it safely. The ride north took us 30mins, south was 
90. Angie knows its bad out when I drive with both hands...

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