On 3/6/06, Jim Cathey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> own which doesn't help matters any.  (And rarely [if ever] starts
> out in 1 unless the lever is in L.) But the linkage is already
> pulling as hard on the tranny's lever as will let the throttle go
> to full stop.


Don't know from practical experience, but I've talked to a local MB
private specialist in the past about certain vehicles I have been
interested in and how he felt about them. Apparently there are a
couple, several?, transmissions that do that in MB's past. They were
designed to start out in 2nd, and L/1st was only for hard pulls from
stop, so the driver would have to know that's how he wanted to start
and downshift manually (in an automatic) to get to 1st ..... this
*may* be how this transmission works.

In fact, at the time I thought it was so weird I googled it and found
some info on how to change that characteristic. That might be the
google I used to find this list ... odd circle of events.


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