Finally got out between rain showers to run a few rounds through my new (to me) 
shotguns.  Went down to a rural (and I mean RURAL) outdoor range about 15 miles 
from the house near Fort Lonesome, a remote crossroads that hasn’t had 
residents for probably 50-75 years.

Ran a box of shells through the Beretta 686 and the Lanber semi auto.  Forgot 
to take my shooting vest, for which I’ll probably pay for tomorrow.

The Beretta worked great, patterned well and even with the stock butt pad 
wasn’t too bad.  I was shooting 2-3/4" Remington Gun Club target loads, wth 
1-1/8 oz. 7-1/2 shot.  Since I haven’t shot in a while it was a bit of a wakeup 
call, even after going through a few hundred rounds of 9mm at the range with a 
buddy last week.  Been using a pair of Howard Leight Impact Sport Electric 
Earmuffs, and man, do those things work great!  The really nice part is being 
able to have a conversation or hear low velocity sounds with them.

The Lanber worked well and patterned great, too.  It, however, had a butt pad 
that was nearly imperceptible, and even with the loads I was firing banged me 
up a little.  A good reminder to make sure I have my vest with me next time if 
I use it.  Guess I should probably consider looking for a butt pad for it.

Came home and gave both guns a really good cleaning and discovered I didn’t 
have a choke wrench for the Beretta.  Gotta get one of them or a speed wrench 
ASAP so I can pull the chokes and clean the barrels properly. Also need to buy 
a box of patches, as I’m almost out.

So now that both guns have checked out the next stop is the sporting clays 
range and to bust some clays. Hopefully the weather will cooperate next weekend.



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