So I bought this car from this woman who explained to me regarding the missing wheel that "myassholeexboyfriend" has it so to get hold of him to try to get it.  So this morning I call the guy, he is not too far away, and tell him I bought this car and I need his help with the wheel, can I come by at lunch and get it. He goes into this whole thing about she owes him thousands of dollars of money and stuff (which appeared to be a bunch of boat motor parts in various degrees of disassembly and mostly scrap) to include a sailboat and some diamond rings and other random things.  So if she gave him that stuff back I could have the wheel.  I point out I know nothing about all that, could not care less about they're drama, I just wanted the wheel.  He goes off on her and says if I can get him his stuff I can have the wheel.  I tell him dude I am not interested in all that stuff, I just want the wheel that goes with the car.  Can I give you something for it, just be done with it?  He tells me to "have a nice day" and rings off.

So I send this woman a text and tell her if I can get his sailboat (which she is going to sell too) and some diamond rings back I can have the wheel.  So can she give me the sailboat and the rings and I will take them and swap them for the wheel?  She thinks that is pretty funny and says see I told you he was an @$$h01e."

She told me where his shop is so maybe I will go by there and see if I can see the wheel and have a chat with him in person, offer him 20bux or something for it, have a beer or two with him and talk about what a B**** she clearly is... you know, sympathize and all...

Who knew dealing with low-end old Benzes could be so much fun?



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