I tested with my Indigo slot iMac (500mhz). I have not seen any firewire ethernet adapters. Could be out there and I am just blind. Having never seen an airport card in the flesh, are they not just PCMCIA cards? On the iMac there is a stand off.connector that one needs to add to mine, but I am not interested in paying $50 for that little doo hickey.

On Thursday, March 9, 2006, at 10:00 PM, John Berryman wrote:

On Mar 9, 2006, at 11:12 PM, redghost wrote:

Look at USB ethernet

        Are there FireWire adapters too?

or wireless to regain your networking.

        This is what I would prefer to do

  I have
tried a few and they do a fine job on a non powered hub.  IIRC, there
are wireless adapters at Fry's too.
        I'll see if I can find their website. I have not seen a third party
card that replaces Apple's Airport card. The machine we're discussing
has no expansion slots, just an internal adapter and antenna for the
Airport card. It is an iMac built in 2001.

Seattle Bioburner

1972 220D - Gump
1995 E300D - Cleo
1987 300SDL - POS - DOA
The FSM would drive a Diesel Benz

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