On 01/11/2017 1:31 PM, clay monroe via Mercedes wrote:
If it just needs to get you there and back, there is no need to impress 
clients, and you find the fit tailored enough, you should go with a W201.  
Gutless wonder in a 2.2, maybe the 2.5 gives more powers.   Otherwise, any well 
build econo box from the mid 90’s fits the bill.


I should have added to my previous post on this heading -  have you ever read the book "Dress For Success" and I believe a second book "Live for Success" by John Malloy, that detailed research done by the writer about presenting a successful image.

I know in my own experience, I have noticed differences depending on what I am wearing. I used to often stop at a store similar to your Farm and Fleet or Harbour Freight on my way back from lunch if they had something on sale that I wanted. When I wore a jacket and tie, people in blue collar clothing would step out of the way for me in aisles. If I was wearing much more casual clothing, they did not defer to me. I guess the tie was a visual clue that I was someone important?

Our world has become much more casual in the past 20 years or more. Many people who dressed up for work do not anymore. A suit and tie has become much less common and thus is noticed.



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