How would you remove a couple of streaks of white latex (most likely) paint from the surface of a vehicle? Varsol? Bug and Tar remover?

Long story, but yesterday, I went to a friend's house to pick up something. He had visitors parking in his extra space and in front of his garage door.

I pulle in accross the lane in front of another garage with 2 overhead doors. I know the folks who own that house too so I was not too worried about pulling onto the apron. I did not expect to be very long.

Their garage has old style single panel doors so when they open, they turn out and up. They did not know my truck was there so when they opened the garage door, it struck the fender flair on my truck.

It looks as though it just smeared a bit of white paint on the flair so I think it will come off without leaving much of a mark so long as I don't damage the paint trying to remove it. I would think the garage door was just painted with white latex paint as it is flat and not shiny.

My own fault for parking there and not going to their door to warn  them. I was thinking worst case scenario they would come home and find me blocking their garage access and not really thinking they would hit the truck if they were home and wanted to leave.



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