Sounds cool - send/post photos?

On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 12:56 AM, Jim Cathey via Mercedes <> wrote:

> I just bought a 4x4 Mazda B2600 LX to use as a woods truck.  Stick shift,
> decent condition, no rust.  1987 model year.  The only notable thing about
> it is the OM617 turbo motor, and that the fan and radiator are on the front
> side of the grille, behind the brush guard.  $2500.  Will replace the POS
> gas Chevy that I'm sick of fighting.  Not as big, not as strong, but I bet
> it'll always start when I want it to.
> -- Jim
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OK Don

*“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, and many of
our people need it sorely on these accounts.”* – Mark Twain

"There are three kinds of men: The ones that learns by reading. The few who
learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence
for themselves."

WILL ROGERS, *The Manly Wisdom of Will Rogers*
2013 F150, 18 mpg
2017 Subaru Legacy, 30 mpg
1957 C182A, 12 mpg - but at 150 mph!

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