I just subscribed! I better get a refund or some back issues to compensate! Ugh.

Sunil Hari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Unfortunately, instead of receiving my 
latest MB Classic, they sent me 2
copies of the 04/2005 issue.  So now I have three copies of that issue, and
none of the 01/2006 issue.

I called MBUSA, and they said they'd ship me a new one, but that that would
be the last issue I receive because they're discontinuing the magazine.

On 3/27/06, Christopher McCann  wrote:
> Has a TON of great articles - this is my first issue. Has a better article
> on the Popemobiles.
>   MB Classic is a near must for most on this list, IMO. If you've
> never  seen it, call MBUSA and order a current or back issue. It is
> really  great. WAY better than STAR, at least for me as I am NOT interested
> in  the latest AMG whatever.
>   Chris
> "Dwight E. Giles, Jr"  wrote:  Chris,
> Is there any kind of a link to this for those of us who don't get the
> Thanks.
> Dwight Giles, Jr
> 1979 240D auto, 250K + miles
> 1990 300D 2.5t, 129K miles
> Wickford, RI
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Christopher McCann
> Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 4:58 PM
> Subject: [MBZ] latest STAR & MB Popemobiles
> The latest edition of STAR has a great article on the history of all
> the MB's given to the Vatican. Pope Paul VI's awesome 600 Laundalet
> steals the show, of course and it now resides at the museum in
> Untertürkheim. Can't wait to see it in September.
>   There is a great pic of Paul VI in a motorcade...his 600 followed by
> about 15 identical MB's - extremely cool picture. All technical specs
> of the cars in a table and the 460 Nürburg (1st given to Pope Pius XI)
> is the centerfold this month.
>   Just before his election as Pope, Cardinal Ratzinger seemed to prefer
> a W126. :-)
>   Read in a German Catholic newspaper that MB Italia recently donated a
> very nice Feuerzeug (fire truck) to the Vatican Fire Department. Had a
> nice pic of it too. Cool.
>   Chris
> Christopher McCann, Squier Park, Kansas City, Missouri
> -2005 Blue Point Siamese, "Rose"
> -1992 Volkswagen Golf, diesel, 185K km, "Nanook"
> -1987 300TD, 151K, "Rotkäppchen"
> -1985 300SD, 212K, "Wulf"
> -1972 Jacobsen 21" Turbo Vent
> -1971 Case 222 Hydrive, 12HP Kohler, 38" deck, Snowcaster, "One Banger"
> ---------------------------------
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> Christopher McCann, Squier Park, Kansas City, Missouri
> -2005 Blue Point Siamese, "Rose"
> -1987 300TD, 151K, "Rotkäppchen"
> -1985 300SD, 212K, "Wulf"
> -1972 Jacobsen 21" Turbo Vent
> -1971 Case 222 Hydrive, 12HP Kohler, 38" deck, Snowcaster, "One Banger"
> ---------------------------------
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Sunil Hari
1992 300D 2.5T - 286Kmi.
For new parts see official list sponsor: http://www.buymbparts.com/
For used parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Christopher McCann, Squier Park, Kansas City, Missouri
-2005 Blue Point Siamese, "Rose"
-1987 300TD, 151K, "Rotkäppchen"
-1985 300SD, 212K, "Wulf"
-1972 Jacobsen 21" Turbo Vent
-1971 Case 222 Hydrive, 12HP Kohler, 38" deck, Snowcaster, "One Banger"
Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls.  Great rates 
starting at 1&cent;/min.
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But if the hatch is not closed properly the rear courtesy light stays on, o=
am I missing something?

On 3/27/06, Marshall Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> andrew strasfogel wrote:
> > When the seal on a 123 300 TD rear hatch leaks the rear cargo bay carpe=
> is
> > wet near where the hatch closes. Also, both my side windows leaked at
> > different times, and Banner Glass resealed them for about $20/side (thi=
> was
> > a decade ago).
> Usually when the cargo bay carpet is wet (or dirty) at the hatch end of
> a 123 wagon, it's because the owner was only latching it in the first
> position. There are two different degrees of latching. The hatch must
> usually be slammed with some authority to latch in the second position
> (to prevent moisture and dirt entering the cargo bay).
> DO NOT ASK how long I owned a 123 wagon before I discovered that!
> Marshall
> --
>          Marshall Booth (who doesn't respond to unsigned questions)
>       "der Dieseling Doktor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> '87 300TD 182Kmi, '84 190D 2.2 229Kmi, '85 190D 2.0 161Kmi, '87 190D 2.5
> turbo 237kmi
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