You've not delt with all that many Macs then...
  The early G5s were absolutely horrible, failure rates of easily 30% right out 
of the box.
  The same was true with the early MDD G4s. Oh did I mention that the MDD G4s 
were backwards? The heat of the processors rose into the expansion cards? 
Anybody who made an expansion card needed to provide a fan kit or risk ruining 
the motherboard on the machine.
  Then lets talk about the cube. Remember the cube? I watch one get hit with a 
gust of cold air once when somebody opened the window, that 30F air hit the 
case and it split right open...
  iBook motherboards are prone to failure as are the crappy powersupply 
connectors on the pre-G3 powerbooks.
  I'll admit Apple makes fine hardware that you pay a PREMIUM for but my 
experience an HP workstation (like an xw8000 or xw8200) is every bit as rugged. 
HP also has just as good a return policy for the worstation models, in many 
cases better because they'll send a tech onsite for the repair. The PC 
workstations also adopted PCI-X and PCIe technology earlier, supported IDE 100 
and 133 drives, SCSI 320 and proper support of multiple processors earlier. 
Supported standard monitor types (Apple has had at least 3 mostly proprietary 
monitor connectors now), standardized keyboard and mouse connections and 
finally multiple button mice.
  All that and I still like Apple. The best laptops ever, despite what 
Powerbook and iBook people will tell you, was made by Sun. They named it the 
Turtle which was a stupid marketing move...
  Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 19:19:41 -0500
From: Peter Frederick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [MBZ] Seriously OT:Re:  We can all just throw our Macs away
To: Mercedes Discussion List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

Gee, now I can run a slower, buggier, virus infested self destroying OS 
on my Mac!


Back to OS 9 for me (hehe).

Next big hack is going to be the killer, though -- the software 
work-around to run OS X on a PC!  Now that I could go for!

Note to the uninitiated -- I have NEVER had a board or component 
failure on a Mac (up to 15 years old) other than on monitor blowing and 
a dead MB from repeated lightening strikes on my phone line, and in 
that case I only lost the serial ports, everything else works fine!


Blab-away for as little as 1ยข/min. Make  PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! 
Messenger with Voice.
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Yeah, I forgot about the "frosty beard" effect as well, though that's 
"usually" snow instead of snot.  (:
I remember one time (I don't even think it was THAT cold at the time) I 
was getting a little worried as the snow was blowing in my face and I 
was squinting, it was literally freezing my eyelashes together...

Levi (:

lee wrote:
> On Thursday 06 April 2006 7:55, Curt Raymond wrote:
>>At -20F don't inhale through your mouth, thats a prescription for a
>>coughing fit.
> Been there a few times in Detroit. I have seen -60 with the wind chill, and 
> it 
> was unpleasantly cold. I worked in commercial blast freezers for a couple of 
> years, and it was not as bad as a bad winter day in Detroit. 
> Inhaling through the mouth is bad, inhaling through your nose means you can 
> feel the moisture in your nose and airway freeze and crackle almost instantly 
> (probably TMI for some.) Breath tends to condense in facial hair and freeze, 
> and if the cold makes your nose run, you have snotsickles. Stepping back 
> indoors, if you wear glasses, means that moisture will immediately condense 
> on them and freeze. 
> Lee
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