The street in to work is somewhat of a racetrack. I was behind a guy with a 
Subaru STI one day and decided to see how well I could pace him. While I of 
course had nothing on his acceleration I found I could hit speedbumps at least 
twice as fast as he did and my willingness to throw my 240D into 90degree turns 
at speed made me quite competitive.
  Yeah it was alot like on Cops, I'd floor the go pedal and drag the wheel 
around. Get the car going sideways, take my foot off the throttle just a little 
and the rears would catch, back on throttle and I'm off. I imagine with a 300D 
I could probably have done really well. The 190D does well but I'm reluctant to 
throw it around as much.
  Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 01:16:18 -0500
From: "Zoltan Finks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MBZ] 300D Bundtcake Rims
To: "Mercedes Discussion List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Sounds impressive. Especially if it was on dry pavement. You must 
the slide-around-the-corner techniques displayed on the cop shows - a 
Rockford Files or A-Team. You know what's impressive, are the J-turns
executed in the Presidential limousines. They get the front end 
bouncing off
the ground during execution of that move.

83 240D

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> You've got a flopper too? I fight back the urge to tell the wife to be 
> less
> gibbon-like with most of the controls in the car (especially to avoid
> cranking around the temperature dials every time she feels hot or cold 
> - I'd
> rather she utilize the fresh air lever, or shut down or open up her 
> vents
> rather than twirling those dials that I think are going to croak 
> anytime). I
> have yet to bring up her collapsing into the seat like she's scuba 
> diving
> off a boat. I'm just making progress on the door slamming.

[Furtively looking around, coast is clear...]


The SDL has an ACC system which mostly she doesn't fiddle with.
But I often get in to find it on Bi-level, or Off.  It's a mystery.

-- Jim

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