My new hood/heat pad arrived today and I spent most of 2 hours trying to get the remains of the old pad off so I can glue the new one into place.

While much of the foam is gone now, there's still some adhesive left, as well as some very short, hard foam.

Is there something that'll take the remainder off? I've tried an Adhesive Remover we sell (worked pretty well but there;s residue), Acetone (did very little) and blasted with high prrssure water to get rid of the bits and pieces (worked) - I used a large weave scotch brite like pad with a handle attached -

But there;s still some hard stuff (that I may leave) - and some foam which I believe needs to come off.

Any suggestions?

Larry T ('74 911, '67 MGB, 91 300D Turbo)
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